Sunday, March 23, 2025
1-3 pm
Stillpoint Reiki
Come receive Reiki from a group! No experience necessary, and I will teach you the basics of Energy Work whether you're familiar with Reiki or not. Feel free to bring your favorite healing stones and we'll incorporate them into the group healing.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
10AM - 2PM
Stillpoint Reiki
4 Hours
RSVP REQUIRED by Mon. March 3, 2025. RSVP by texting or call Jill at 972-358-4068
If you've already taken a First, Second, or Third Degree class (with any teacher) and just need a refresher, this class focuses on answering your questions about how to understand, and more importantly, how to USE your Reiki. This is hands-on, practical information so you can integrate Reiki into your every day life! I'll guide you through performing a full Reiki session, working with the symbols, doing a self-treatment, or whatever you need.
(No attunements will be given in the RefresherClass. If you have learned the attunement ceremony and want practice performing that, please contact me and I'll review that with you in a separate class).
Friday, March 14, 2025
Stillpoint Reiki
RSVP to Jill at 972-358-4068 by March 12, 2025
Everything is made of light, and Reiki is a process of bringing more light into the world.
In Reiki Level II, or Second Degree, you are prepared to heal others. You receive your second attunement, and are taught three Sacred Healing Symbols revealed to Dr. Usui during his meditation on Mount Kurama in Kyoto, Japan. You will learn how to conduct a professional Reiki treatment and be given instruction on how to connect to your Intuitive Reiki Guides. I will help you discover your own unique "sense" of the Reiki energy as it flows in yourself and in others. It has been my experience (as well as the experience of many of my students) that the Reiki II attunement can be quite powerful as it greatly increases the vibration of your auric field.
Two private mentoring follow-up calls are included to guide you in your Reiki journey.